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Augest 28, 2016 at 17:17

Disconnection by Bae (official) Released

This album is eager to heal people's pain. On the day of 17 years old, he saw a butterfly dancing, and finally the man chased the butterfly to the sea, and made it in memory of Dominik Navrátil.

這首專輯渴望能撫平人們的傷痛,在17歲那天他看到一隻蝴蝶翩翩起舞,最終曲男子追尋著蝴蝶來到了海邊,同時為紀念Dominik Navrátil 所作。

▶1. Seventeen is not
▶2. Question
▶3. Headway
▶4. Isolated
▶5. Summer's Desire

Genre: Indie Rock
Trackmaker / BAE based in Taiwan.
released on Augest 31, 2016.

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